TeSSLa: TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 2.0.0

module Set





Type Set


liftable add[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T]

Add an item to the given set, if not already contained

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
0: set = {}
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: set = {1, 2}
6: x = 2
8: set = {1, 2, 7}
8: x = 7
liftable def add[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T] = extern("Set_add")

ANCHOR collect

collect[T](value: Events[T])

Collect the event values of the value stream in a set.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def result = Set.collect(x)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream result: signal
0: result = {}
2: x = 1
2: result = {1}
4: x = 2
4: result = {1, 2}
6: x = 3
6: result = {1, 2, 3}
def collect[T](value: Events[T]) = {
  def set: Events[Set[T]] = default(add(last(set, value), value), empty[T])

ANCHOR collectWithRemove

collectWithRemove[T](value: Events[T], removeValue: Events[T])

Creates a set by collecting the elements from value and removing the ones from removeValue.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to collect
in y: Events[Int] # elements to remove
def result = Set.collectWithRemove(x, y)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,12]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream result: signal
0: result = {}
1: y = 1
1: result = {}
2: x = 1
2: result = {1}
4: y = 2
4: result = {1}
6: x = 3
6: result = {1, 3}
8: y = 3
8: result = {1}
10: x = 4
10: y = 4
10: result = {1}
def collectWithRemove[T](value: Events[T], removeValue: Events[T]) = {
  def old = last(set, merge(value, removeValue))
  def operation: Events[Set[T]] = lift3(old, value, removeValue, (o: Option[Set[T]], v: Option[T], r: Option[T]) =>
    Some(minus(union(getSome(o), OptionUtils.toSet(v)), OptionUtils.toSet(r))))
  def set = default(operation, empty[T])

ANCHOR contains

liftable contains[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Bool

Returns true if the given set contains the given item

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add
in y: Events[Int] # items to check
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def contains = Set.contains(set,y)
out contains

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,6]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: signal
stream set: signal
stream contains: signal
0: y = 1
0: contains = false
0: set = {}
2: contains = true
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: y = 2
4: contains = true
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
liftable def contains[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Bool = extern("Set_contains")

ANCHOR empty

empty[T]: Set[T]

Returns an empty set of type T without any element

def empty[T]: Set[T] = extern("Set_empty")


liftable fold[T, U](set: strict Set[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U

Fold a function f on all values of the set. Starting with the initial value start the function f is called for every element of the set with the last result and the current element value as arguments.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def result = Set.fold(set, 0, (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
stream result: signal
0: result = 0
0: set = {}
2: result = 1
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: result = 3
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: result = 6
6: set = {1, 2, 3}
6: x = 3
liftable def fold[T, U](set: strict Set[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U = extern("Set_fold")

ANCHOR intersection

liftable intersection[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns the intersection of the given sets as Set.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def intersection = Set.intersection(set1, set2)
out intersection

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,11]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream intersection: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: intersection = {}
2: x = 1
2: set1 = {1}
2: intersection = {}
4: y = 2
4: set2 = {2}
4: intersection = {}
6: x = 2
6: set1 = {1, 2}
6: intersection = {2}
9: x = 3
9: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
9: y = 3
9: set2 = {2, 3}
9: intersection = {2, 3}
liftable def intersection[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_intersection")


liftable map[A, B](l: strict Set[A], f: strict (strict A) => B): Set[B]

Applies a function to all elements in the set and returns a new set with the mapped elements. Usage example:

in x: Events[Set[Int]]
def y: Events[Set[Int]] = Set.map(x, (a: Int) => a + 1)
out y

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,5]
stream x: signal
stream y: signal
0: x = {1, 2, 3}
0: y = {2, 3, 4}
2: x = {5}
2: y = {6}
4: x = {}
4: y = {}
liftable def map[A, B](l: strict Set[A], f: strict (strict A) => B) : Set[B] = extern("Set_map")

ANCHOR minus

liftable minus[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns a set containing the elements of set1 which aren't part of set2.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def minus = Set.minus(set1, set2)
out minus

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,12]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream minus: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: minus = {}
2: x = 1
2: set1 = {1}
2: minus = {1}
4: y = 2
4: set2 = {2}
4: minus = {1}
6: x = 2
6: set1 = {1, 2}
6: minus = {1}
8: x = 3
8: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
8: minus = {1, 3}
10: y = 3
10: set2 = {2, 3}
10: minus = {1}
liftable def minus[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_minus")

ANCHOR remove

liftable remove[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T]

Remove an element from the given set, if the set contains this element

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to remove
def filledSet = Set.add(Set.add(Set.add(Set.empty[Int], 1), 2), 3)
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, filledSet, Set.remove)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
0: set = {1, 2, 3}
2: set = {2, 3}
2: x = 1
4: set = {3}
4: x = 2
6: set = {3}
6: x = 5
liftable def remove[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T] = extern("Set_remove")

ANCHOR singleton

liftable singleton[T](value: T): Set[T]

Creates a set with a single element

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set = Set.singleton(x)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
2: x = 1
2: set = {1}
4: x = 2
4: set = {2}
6: x = 3
6: set = {3}
liftable def singleton[T](value: T): Set[T] = add(empty[T], value)


liftable size[T](set: strict Set[T]): Int

Returns the number of elements in the given set

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def size = Set.size(set)
out size

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
stream size: signal
0: size = 0
0: set = {}
2: size = 1
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: size = 2
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: size = 3
6: set = {1, 2, 3}
6: x = 3
8: size = 3
8: set = {1, 2, 3}
8: x = 2
liftable def size[T](set: strict Set[T]): Int = extern("Set_size")

ANCHOR union

liftable union[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns the union of the given Set

Usage example:x

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def union = Set.union(set1, set2)
out union

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-3,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream union: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: union = {}
1: x = 1
1: set1 = {1}
1: union = {1}
2: y = 2
2: set2 = {2}
2: union = {1, 2}
4: y = 1
4: set2 = {1, 2}
4: union = {1, 2}
6: x = 3
6: set1 = {1, 3}
6: union = {1, 2, 3}
8: x = 2
8: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
8: union = {1, 2, 3}
liftable def union[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_union")
Imported from Option

Option, getSome, getSomeOrElse, isNone, isSome, None, Some

Imported from StreamFunctions

average, boolFilter, bursts, burstsSince, const, constIf, count, default, defaultFrom, defined, delay, falling, filter, first, firstEvent, fold, isFirst, last, lift, lift1, lift2, lift3, lift4, lift5, maximum, merge, merge2, merge3, merge4, merge5, merge6, merge7, merge8, mergeUnit, mergeUnit2, mergeUnit3, mergeUnit4, minimum, nil, noEvent, on, period, prev, pure, reduce, resetCount, rising, runtime, sample, slift, slift1, slift2, slift3, slift4, slift5, sum, time, unitIf, zip, zip2, zip3, zip4, zip5