TeSSLa: TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 2.0.0

module List


ANCHOR Type List


Type List

ANCHOR append

liftable append[T](list: expand List[T], element: expand T): List[T]

Appends the given element to the end of the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
0: list = []
2: list = [2]
2: x = 2
4: list = [2, 1]
4: x = 1
6: list = [2, 1, 2]
6: x = 2
liftable def append[T](list: expand List[T], element: expand T): List[T] = extern("List_append")

ANCHOR empty

empty[T]: List[T]

Returns an empty list without any element of type T

def empty[T]: List[T] = extern("List_empty")


liftable find[A](l: strict List[A], e: strict A): Int

Returns the first index of element e in the list. If e is not contained -1 is returned. Usage example:

in x: Events[List[Int]]
in e: Events[Int]
def y: Events[Int] = List.find(x, 5)
def z: Events[Int] = List.find(x, e)
out y
out z

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,5]
stream x: signal
stream e: bubbles
stream y: signal
stream z: signal
0: x = [1, 5, 3]
0: y = 1
1: e = 7
1: z = -1
3: x = [7]
3: y = -1
3: z = 0
liftable def find[A](l: strict List[A], e: strict A) : Int =
  fold(zipWithIndex(l), -1, (c: Int, le: (Int, A)) => if c == -1 && e == le._2 then le._1 else c)


liftable fold[T, U](list: expand List[T], start: expand U, f: strict (expand U, expand T) => U): U

Fold a function f on all values of the list. Starting with the initial value start the function f is called for every element of list with the last result and the current elements’s value as arguments. Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = List.fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def s = List.fold(list, 0, (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b)
out s

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream s: signal
0: s = 0
0: list = []
2: s = 1
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: s = 3
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: s = 6
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def fold[T, U](list: expand List[T], start: expand U, f: strict (expand U, expand T) => U): U = extern("List_fold")


liftable get[T](list: expand List[T], index: strict Int): T

Gets the element at the requested index

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to prepend
in y: Events[Int] # index of the requested element
import List
def list: Events[List[Int]] =
  fold(x, List.empty[Int], (acc: List[Int], v: Int) => List.prepend(v, acc))
def element = List.get(list, y)
out element

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: signal
stream list: signal
stream element: signal
0: list = []
1: x = 1
1: list = [1]
3: element = 1
3: y = 0
5: x = 3
5: list = [3, 1]
5: element = 3
8: x = 2
8: list = [2, 3, 1]
8: element = 1
8: y = 2
liftable def get[T](list: expand List[T], index: strict Int): T = extern("List_get")


liftable head[T](list: List[T]): T

Selects the first element of the list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def head = filter(List.head(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out head

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream head: signal
0: list = []
2: x = 1
2: list = [1]
2: head = 1
4: x = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: head = 1
6: x = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: head = 1
liftable def head[T](list: List[T]): T = get(list, 0)


liftable init[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T]

Selects all elements except the last

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def init = filter(List.init(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out init

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream init: signal
0: init = []
0: list = []
2: init = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: init = [1]
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: init = [1, 2]
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def init[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_init")

ANCHOR isEmpty

liftable isEmpty[T](list: List[T]): Bool

Returns true if the given list has a size of zero

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def empty = List.isEmpty(list)
out empty

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream empty: signal
0: empty = true
0: list = []
2: empty = false
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: empty = false
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: empty = false
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def isEmpty[T](list: List[T]): Bool = size(list) == 0


liftable last[T](list: List[T]): T

Selects the last element of the list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def l = filter(List.last(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out l

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream l: signal
0: list = []
2: x = 1
2: list = [1]
2: l = 1
4: x = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: l = 2
6: x = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: l = 3
liftable def last[T](list: List[T]): T = get(list, size(list)-1)


liftable map[A, B](l: strict List[A], f: strict (expand A) => B): List[B]

Applies a function to all elements in the list and returns a new list with the mapped elements. Usage example:

in x: Events[List[Int]]
def y: Events[List[Int]] = List.map(x, (a: Int) => a + 1)
out y

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,5]
stream x: signal
stream y: signal
0: x = [1, 2, 3]
0: y = [2, 3, 4]
2: x = [5]
2: y = [6]
4: x = []
4: y = []
liftable def map[A, B](l: strict List[A], f: strict (expand A) => B) : List[B] = extern("List_map")

ANCHOR prepend

liftable prepend[T](element: expand T, list: expand List[T]): List[T]

Prepends the given element to the begining of the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] =
  fold(x, List.empty[Int], (acc: List[Int], v: Int) => List.prepend(v, acc))
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
0: list = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: list = [2, 1]
4: x = 2
6: list = [3, 2, 1]
6: x = 3
liftable def prepend[T](element: expand T, list: expand List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_prepend")


liftable set[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int, value: strict T): List[T]

Sets the value at the given index

Usage example:

in x: Events[(Int, String)]
def init = List.append(List.append(List.empty[String], "A"), "B")
def list: Events[List[String]] =
  fold(x, init, (acc: List[String], op: (Int, String)) => List.set(acc, op._1, op._2))
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: signal
stream list: signal
0: list = [A, B]
3: x = (0, C)
3: list = [C, B]
5: x = (0, D)
5: list = [D, B]
8: x = (1, D)
8: list = [D, D]
liftable def set[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int, value: strict T): List[T] = extern("List_set")


liftable size[T](list: strict List[T]): Int

Returns the number of elements in the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def size = List.size(list)
out size

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream size: signal
0: size = 0
0: list = []
2: size = 1
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: size = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: size = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def size[T](list: strict List[T]): Int = extern("List_size")


liftable tail[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T]

Selects all elements except the first

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def tail = filter(List.tail(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out tail

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream tail: signal
0: list = []
2: tail = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: tail = [2]
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: tail = [2, 3]
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def tail[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_tail")


liftable zip[A, B](x: List[A], y: List[B]): List[(A, B)]

Zips together two lists. The resulting list contains tuples of the corresponding elements of the two input lists. The resulting list has the size of the shorter one of the two input lists. Usage example:

in x: Events[List[Int]]
in y: Events[List[String]]
def z: Events[List[(Int, String)]] = List.zip(x, y)
out z

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,5]
stream x: signal
stream y: signal
stream z: signal
0: x = [1, 2]
0: y = ["a", "b"]
0: z = [(1,"a"), (2,"b")]
2: x = [5]
2: y = ["a", "b"]
2: z = [(5, "a")]
4: x = [2,3]
4: y = []
4: z = []
liftable def zip[A,B](x: List[A], y: List[B]) : List[(A, B)]= {
  def addIfPossible(curr: (Int, List[(A, B)]), a: A) = {
      if (List.size(y) > curr._1) then {
          (curr._1 + 1, List.append(curr._2, (a, List.get(y, curr._1))))
      } else {

  fold(x, (0, empty[(A,B)]), addIfPossible)._2

ANCHOR zipWithIndex

liftable zipWithIndex[A](x: List[A]): List[(Int, A)]

Zips the elements of a list together with their index. The resulting list bears tuples of the index starting with 0 and the value Usage example:

in x: Events[List[Int]]
def zList: Events[List[Int]] = List.zipWithIndex(x)
out zList

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,5]
stream x: signal
stream zList: signal
0: x = [1, 2, 3]
0: zList = [(0,1), (1,2), (2,3)]
2: x = [5]
2: zList = [(0, 5)]
4: x = []
4: zList = []
liftable def zipWithIndex[A](x: List[A]) : List[(Int, A)]= {
  def idxs = fold(x, (0, List.empty[Int]), (curr: (Int, List[Int]), _: A) =>
    (curr._1 + 1, append(curr._2, curr._1)))._2

  map(idxs, (i: Int) => (i, get(x, i)))