TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 1.2.1

module Set




Type Set


liftable add[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T]

Add an item to the given set, if not already contained

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
0: set = {}
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: set = {1, 2}
6: x = 2
8: set = {1, 2, 7}
8: x = 7
liftable def add[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T] = extern("Set_add")

ANCHOR collect

collect[T](value: Events[T])

Collect the event values of the value stream in a set.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def result = Set.collect(x)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream result: signal
0: result = {}
2: x = 1
2: result = {1}
4: x = 2
4: result = {1, 2}
6: x = 3
6: result = {1, 2, 3}
def collect[T](value: Events[T]) = {
  def set: Events[Set[T]] = default(add(last(set, value), value), empty[T])

ANCHOR collectWithRemove

collectWithRemove[T](value: Events[T], removeValue: Events[T])

Creates a set by collecting the elements from value and removing the ones from removeValue.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to collect
in y: Events[Int] # elements to remove
def result = Set.collectWithRemove(x, y)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,12]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream result: signal
0: result = {}
1: y = 1
1: result = {}
2: x = 1
2: result = {1}
4: y = 2
4: result = {1}
6: x = 3
6: result = {1, 3}
8: y = 3
8: result = {1}
10: x = 4
10: y = 4
10: result = {1}
def collectWithRemove[T](value: Events[T], removeValue: Events[T]) = {
  def old = last(set, merge(value, removeValue))
  def operation: Events[Set[T]] = lift3(old, value, removeValue, (o: Option[Set[T]], v: Option[T], r: Option[T]) =>
    Some(minus(union(getSome(o), OptionUtils.toSet(v)), OptionUtils.toSet(r))))
  def set = default(operation, empty[T])

ANCHOR contains

liftable contains[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Bool

Returns true if the given set contains the given item

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add
in y: Events[Int] # items to check
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def contains = Set.contains(set,y)
out contains

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,6]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: signal
stream set: signal
stream contains: signal
0: y = 1
0: contains = false
0: set = {}
2: contains = true
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: y = 2
4: contains = true
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
liftable def contains[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Bool = extern("Set_contains")

ANCHOR empty

empty[T]: Set[T]

Returns an empty set of type T without any element

def empty[T]: Set[T] = extern("Set_empty")


liftable fold[T, U](set: strict Set[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U

Fold a function f on all values of the set. Starting with the initial value start the function f is called for every element of the set with the last result and the current element value as arguments.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def result = Set.fold(set, 0, (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
stream result: signal
0: result = 0
0: set = {}
2: result = 1
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: result = 3
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: result = 6
6: set = {1, 2, 3}
6: x = 3
liftable def fold[T, U](set: strict Set[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U = extern("Set_fold")

ANCHOR intersection

liftable intersection[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns the intersection of the given sets as Set.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def intersection = Set.intersection(set1, set2)
out intersection

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,11]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream intersection: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: intersection = {}
2: x = 1
2: set1 = {1}
2: intersection = {}
4: y = 2
4: set2 = {2}
4: intersection = {}
6: x = 2
6: set1 = {1, 2}
6: intersection = {2}
9: x = 3
9: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
9: y = 3
9: set2 = {2, 3}
9: intersection = {2, 3}
liftable def intersection[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_intersection")

ANCHOR minus

liftable minus[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns a set containing the elements of set1 which aren't part of set2.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def minus = Set.minus(set1, set2)
out minus

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,12]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream minus: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: minus = {}
2: x = 1
2: set1 = {1}
2: minus = {1}
4: y = 2
4: set2 = {2}
4: minus = {1}
6: x = 2
6: set1 = {1, 2}
6: minus = {1}
8: x = 3
8: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
8: minus = {1, 3}
10: y = 3
10: set2 = {2, 3}
10: minus = {1}
liftable def minus[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_minus")

ANCHOR remove

liftable remove[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T]

Remove an element from the given set, if the set contains this element

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to remove
def filledSet = Set.add(Set.add(Set.add(Set.empty[Int], 1), 2), 3)
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, filledSet, Set.remove)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
0: set = {1, 2, 3}
2: set = {2, 3}
2: x = 1
4: set = {3}
4: x = 2
6: set = {3}
6: x = 5
liftable def remove[T](set: strict Set[T], item: strict T): Set[T] = extern("Set_remove")

ANCHOR singleton

liftable singleton[T](value: T): Set[T]

Creates a set with a single element

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set = Set.singleton(x)
out set

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
2: x = 1
2: set = {1}
4: x = 2
4: set = {2}
6: x = 3
6: set = {3}
liftable def singleton[T](value: T): Set[T] = add(empty[T], value)


liftable size[T](set: strict Set[T]): Int

Returns the number of elements in the given set

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def set: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def size = Set.size(set)
out size

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream set: signal
stream size: signal
0: size = 0
0: set = {}
2: size = 1
2: set = {1}
2: x = 1
4: size = 2
4: set = {1, 2}
4: x = 2
6: size = 3
6: set = {1, 2, 3}
6: x = 3
8: size = 3
8: set = {1, 2, 3}
8: x = 2
liftable def size[T](set: strict Set[T]): Int = extern("Set_size")

ANCHOR union

liftable union[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T]

Returns the union of the given Set

Usage example:x

in x: Events[Int] # elements to add to set1
in y: Events[Int] # elements to add to set2
def set1: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(x, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def set2: Events[Set[Int]] = fold(y, Set.empty[Int], Set.add)
def union = Set.union(set1, set2)
out union

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-3,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream set1: signal
stream set2: signal
stream union: signal
0: set1 = {}
0: set2 = {}
0: union = {}
1: x = 1
1: set1 = {1}
1: union = {1}
2: y = 2
2: set2 = {2}
2: union = {1, 2}
4: y = 1
4: set2 = {1, 2}
4: union = {1, 2}
6: x = 3
6: set1 = {1, 3}
6: union = {1, 2, 3}
8: x = 2
8: set1 = {1, 2, 3}
8: union = {1, 2, 3}
liftable def union[T](set1: strict Set[T], set2: strict Set[T]): Set[T] = extern("Set_union")