The module for MITL[S_{0,∞}] formulas. MITL[S_{0,∞}] is the past fragment of MITL (Metric Interval Temporal Logic), where either the lowest time bound is 0 or the highest time bound is ∞.
In this case we view streams as signals with continuously existing values. The events denote only the change points of these values.
historically0(x: Int, a: Events[Bool])
Expects a pure
input stream which is initialized (has an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets false
every time the input stream gets false
. The output stream gets true
if the input stream was true
for x
time units.
It represents the formula H[0, x] a = !O[0, x] !a
and is equal to !once0(x, !a)
. (See also once0
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
def d = historically0(3,a)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,8]
stream a: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = true
0: d = true
2: a = false
2: d = false
3: a = true
6: d = true
def historically0(x: Int, a: Events[Bool]) = !once0(x, !a)
historicallyInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool])
Expects a pure
input stream which is initialized (has an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets false
the first time the input stream got false
time units ago.
It represents the formula H[x, ∞] a = !O[x, ∞] !a
and is equal to !onceinfinity(x, !a)
. (See also onceinfinity
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
def d = historicallyInfinity(3,a)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,8]
stream a: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = true
0: d = true
2: a = false
5: d = false
6: a = true
def historicallyInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool]) = !onceInfinity(x, !a)
once0(x: Int, a: Events[Bool])
Expects a pure
input stream which is initialized (has an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets true
the when the input stream gets true
. The output stream gets false
if the input stream is false
for x
time units.
It represents the formula O[0, x] a = true S[0,x] a
and is equal to since0
(x, true, a)
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
def d = once0(3,a)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,8]
stream a: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = false
0: d = false
2: a = true
2: d = true
4: a = false
7: d = false
onceInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool])
Expects a pure
input stream which is initialized (has an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets true
if the point the input stream gets true
the first time lies x
time units in the past.
It represents the formula O[x, ∞] a = true S[x,∞]
a and is equal to sinceInfinity(x, true, a)
. (See also sinceInfinity
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
def d = onceInfinity(3,a)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,8]
stream a: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = false
0: d = false
2: a = true
5: d = true
6: a = false
def onceInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool]) = sinceInfinity(x, true, a)
since0(x: Int, a: Events[Bool], b: Events[Bool]): Events[Bool]
Expects pure
input streams which are initialized (have an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets true
every time both input streams are true
. The output stream gets false
every time the first input stream gets false
or the last point where both streams where true
lies x
time units in the past.
It represents the formula a S[0, x] b, x > 0
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
in b: Events[Bool]
def d = since0(3, a, b)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,10]
stream a: bool
stream b: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = false
0: b = false
0: d = false
1: a = true
1: b = true
1: d = true
2: b = false
4: a = false
4: d = false
5: a = true
5: b = true
5: d = true
6: b = false
9: d = false
sinceInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool], b: Events[Bool]): Events[Bool]
Expects pure
input streams which are initialized (have an event at timestamp 0). Returns a stream which gets true
every time both input streams are true
at a point which lies x
time units in the past and the first input stream did not get false
in between. The output stream gets false
every time the first input stream gets false
It represents the formula a S[x, ∞] b, x ≥ 0
Usage example:
in a: Events[Bool]
in b: Events[Bool]
def d = sinceInfinity(3, a, b)
out d
Trace example:
option timeDomain: [-0.1,10]
stream a: bool
stream b: bool
stream d: bool
0: a = false
0: b = false
0: d = false
1: a = true
1: b = true
2: b = false
3: a = false
3: d = false
4: a = true
5: b = true
8: d = true
9: a = false
9: d = false
def sinceInfinity(x: Int, a: Events[Bool], b: Events[Bool]): Events[Bool] =
static if x == 0
then merge3(
constIf(true, a&&b),
constIf(false, !a),
else {
def firstA: Events[Bool] = merge(boolFilter(a), last(firstA, b) && b)
def start = unitIf(on(b, firstA))
on(delay(on(start, x), merge(start, unitIf(!a))), true),
constIf(false, !a),