TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 1.2.1

module Map



Map[K, V]


liftable add[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K, value: strict V): Map[K, V]

Associate a key to a value in this map, overriding the previous mapping for key if existent.

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
4: x = (B, 4)
4: map = A → 2, B → 4
7: x = (B, 8)
7: map = A → 2, B → 8
liftable def add[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K, value: strict V): Map[K, V] = extern("Map_add")

ANCHOR collectCount

collectCount[T](events: Events[T]): Events[Map[T, Int]]

Counts the occurrences of each value in events and returns a mapping of each value to its count.

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
def map = Map.collectCount(x)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = A
1: map = A → 1
3: x = A
3: map = A → 2
6: x = C
6: map = A → 2, C → 1
def collectCount[T](events: Events[T]): Events[Map[T, Int]] =
  __root__.fold(events, empty[T, Int], inc)

ANCHOR collectMax

collectMax[K](key: Events[K], value: Events[Int]): Events[Map[K, Int]]

Get the maximum of value, grouped by key.

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
in y: Events[Int]
def map = Map.collectMax(x, y)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream y: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = A
1: y = 5
1: map = A → 5
3: y = 2
3: map = A → 5
4: x = C
5: y = 7
5: map = A → 5, C → 7
def collectMax[K](key: Events[K], value: Events[Int]): Events[Map[K, Int]] = {
  def oldMap = last(map, value)
  def maxValue: Events[Int] = max(getOrElse(oldMap, on(value, key), value), value)
  def map: Events[Map[K, Int]] = default(add(oldMap, on(value, key), maxValue), empty[K, Int])

ANCHOR collectMin

collectMin[A](key: Events[A], value: Events[Int])

Get the minimum of value, grouped by key.

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
in y: Events[Int]
def map = Map.collectMin(x, y)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: signal
stream y: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = A
1: y = 5
1: map = A → 5
3: y = 2
3: map = A → 2
4: x = C
5: y = 7
5: map = A → 2, C → 7
def collectMin[A](key: Events[A], value: Events[Int]) = {
  def oldMap = last(map, value)
  def minValue: Events[Int] = min(getOrElse(oldMap, on(value, key), value), value)
  def map: Events[Map[A, Int]] = default(add(oldMap, on(value, key), minValue), empty[A, Int])

ANCHOR contains

liftable contains[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): Bool

Returns true if the given map contains a mapping for the specified key

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
in y: Events[String]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def contains = Map.contains(map, y)
out contains

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream y: signal
stream contains: signal
0: map = —
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
1: y = B
1: contains = false
3: x = (B, 4)
3: map = A → 2, B → 4
3: contains = true
7: x = (B, 8)
7: map = A → 2, B → 8
7: y = C
7: contains = false
liftable def contains[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): Bool = extern("Map_contains")

ANCHOR counting

counting[A](events: Events[A])

Map every new value of events to a unique integer ID

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
def map = Map.counting(x)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = A
1: map = A → 1
3: x = C
3: map = A → 1, C → 2
6: x = A
6: map = A → 1, C → 2
def counting[A](events: Events[A]) = {
  def counter: Events[Int] =
      if !contains(last(map, events), events)
      then last(counter, events) + 1
      else last(counter, events),

  def map: Events[Map[A, Int]] =
      if !contains(last(map, events), events)
      then add(last(map, events), events, counter)
      else last(map, events),
      empty[A, Int])

ANCHOR empty

empty[K, V]: Map[K, V]

Returns an empty map without any element of type T

def empty[K, V]: Map[K, V] = extern("Map_empty")


liftable fold[K, V, R](map: strict Map[K, V], start: lazy R, f: strict (strict R, strict K, strict V) => R): R

Applies a function f on all values of the map. Starting with the initial value start the function f is called for every pair of the map with the last result and the current element value as arguments.

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def sum = Map.fold(map, 0, (r: Int, k: String, v: Int) => r + v)
out sum

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream sum: signal
0: map = —
0: sum = 0
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
1: sum = 2
3: x = (B, 4)
3: map = A → 2, B → 4
3: sum = 6
7: x = (B, 8)
7: map = A → 2, B → 8
7: sum = 10
liftable def fold[K, V, R](map: strict Map[K, V], start: lazy R, f: strict (strict R, strict K, strict V) => R): R = extern("Map_fold")


liftable get[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): V

Get the corresponding value for the given key

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
in y: Events[String]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def value = Map.get(map, y)
out value

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream y: signal
stream value: signal
0: map = —
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
2: y = A
2: value = 2
3: x = (B, 4)
3: map = A → 2, B → 4
3: y = B
3: value = 4
7: x = (B, 8)
7: map = A → 2, B → 8
7: value = 8
liftable def get[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): V = extern("Map_get")

ANCHOR getOrElse

liftable getOrElse[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K, default: V): V

Get the value associated with the key if it exists in the map, and the default value otherwise.

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
in y: Events[String]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def result = Map.getOrElse(map, y, 42)
out result

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream y: signal
stream result: signal
0: map = —
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
1: y = A
1: result = 2
3: y = B
3: result = 42
5: x = (B, 4)
5: map = A → 2, B → 4
5: result = 4
liftable def getOrElse[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K, default: V): V =
  if contains(map, key)
  then get(map, key)
  else default


liftable inc[K](counts: Map[K, Int], key: K): Map[K, Int]

Increments the value of the given key by one, or add a new entry key → 1 if the key does not exist.

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] = fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int], Map.inc)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
0: map = —
1: x = A
1: map = A → 1
3: x = A
3: map = A → 2
6: x = C
6: map = A → 2, C → 1
liftable def inc[K](counts: Map[K, Int], key: K): Map[K, Int] =
  add(counts, key, getOrElse(counts, key, 0) + 1)


liftable keys[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V]): List[K]

Returns the keys of the elements in the given map as list

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def keys = Map.keys(map)
out keys

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream keys: signal
0: map = —
0: keys = —
3: x = (A, 2)
3: map = A → 2
3: keys = A
7: x = (B, 4)
7: map = A → 2, B → 4
7: keys = A, B
liftable def keys[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V]): List[K] = extern("Map_keys")

ANCHOR remove

liftable remove[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): Map[K, V]

Removes the entry matching the given key

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
def filledMap = Map.add(Map.add(Map.empty[String, Int], "A", 2), "B", 4)
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] = fold(x, filledMap, Map.remove)
out map

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
0: map = A → 2, B → 4
4: x = A
4: map = B → 4
7: x = C
7: map = B → 4
liftable def remove[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V], key: strict K): Map[K, V] = extern("Map_remove")


liftable size[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V]): Int

Returns the number of elements in the given map

Usage example:

in x: Events[(String, Int)]
def map: Events[Map[String, Int]] =
  fold(x, Map.empty[String, Int],
    (acc: Map[String, Int], v: (String, Int)) => Map.add(acc, v._1, v._2)
def size = Map.size(map)
out size

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1, 10]
stream x: events
stream map: signal
stream size: signal
0: map = —
0: size = 0
1: x = (A, 2)
1: map = A → 2
1: size = 1
4: x = B → 4
4: map = A → 2, B → 4
4: size = 2
7: x = (B, 8)
7: map = A → 2, B → 8
7: size = 2
liftable def size[K, V](map: strict Map[K, V]): Int = extern("Map_size")