TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 1.2.1

module List


ANCHOR Type List


Type List

ANCHOR append

liftable append[T](list: strict List[T], element: strict T): List[T]

Appends the given element to the end of the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
0: list = []
2: list = [2]
2: x = 2
4: list = [2, 1]
4: x = 1
6: list = [2, 1, 2]
6: x = 2
liftable def append[T](list: strict List[T], element: strict T): List[T] = extern("List_append")

ANCHOR empty

empty[T]: List[T]

Returns an empty list without any element of type T

def empty[T]: List[T] = extern("List_empty")


liftable fold[T, U](list: strict List[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U

Fold a function f on all values of the list. Starting with the initial value start the function f is called for every element of list with the last result and the current elements’s value as arguments. Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def s = List.fold(list, 0, (a:Int, b:Int) => a + b)
out s

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream s: signal
0: s = 0
0: list = []
2: s = 1
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: s = 3
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: s = 6
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def fold[T, U](list: strict List[T], start: lazy U, f: strict (strict U, strict T) => U): U = extern("List_fold")


liftable get[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int): T

Gets the element at the requested index

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int] # elements to prepend
in y: Events[Int] # index of the requested element
import List
def list: Events[List[Int]] =
  fold(x, List.empty[Int], (acc: List[Int], v: Int) => List.prepend(v, acc))
def element = List.get(list, y)
out element

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: signal
stream list: signal
stream element: signal
0: list = []
1: x = 1
1: list = [1]
3: element = 1
3: y = 0
5: x = 3
5: list = [3, 1]
5: element = 3
8: x = 2
8: list = [2, 3, 1]
8: element = 1
8: y = 2
liftable def get[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int): T = extern("List_get")


liftable head[T](list: List[T]): T

Selects the first element of the list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def head = filter(List.head(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out head

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream head: signal
0: list = []
2: x = 1
2: list = [1]
2: head = 1
4: x = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: head = 1
6: x = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: head = 1
liftable def head[T](list: List[T]): T = get(list, 0)


liftable init[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T]

Selects all elements except the last

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def init = filter(List.init(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out init

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream init: signal
0: init = []
0: list = []
2: init = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: init = [1]
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: init = [1, 2]
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def init[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_init")

ANCHOR isEmpty

liftable isEmpty[T](list: List[T]): Bool

Returns true if the given list has a size of zero

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def empty = List.isEmpty(list)
out empty

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream empty: signal
0: empty = true
0: list = []
2: empty = false
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: empty = false
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: empty = false
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def isEmpty[T](list: List[T]): Bool = size(list) == 0


liftable last[T](list: List[T]): T

Selects the last element of the list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def l = filter(List.last(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out l

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream l: signal
0: list = []
2: x = 1
2: list = [1]
2: l = 1
4: x = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: l = 2
6: x = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: l = 3
liftable def last[T](list: List[T]): T = get(list, size(list)-1)

ANCHOR prepend

liftable prepend[T](element: strict T, list: strict List[T]): List[T]

Prepends the given element to the begining of the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] =
  fold(x, List.empty[Int], (acc: List[Int], v: Int) => List.prepend(v, acc))
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
0: list = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: list = [2, 1]
4: x = 2
6: list = [3, 2, 1]
6: x = 3
liftable def prepend[T](element: strict T, list: strict List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_prepend")


liftable set[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int, value: strict T): List[T]

Sets the value at the given index

Usage example:

in x: Events[(Int, String)]
def init = List.append(List.append(List.empty[String], "A"), "B")
def list: Events[List[String]] =
  fold(x, init, (acc: List[String], op: (Int, String)) => List.set(acc, op._1, op._2))
out list

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,10]
stream x: signal
stream y: signal
stream list: signal
0: list = [A, B]
3: x = (0, C)
3: list = [C, B]
5: x = (0, D)
5: list = [D, B]
8: x = (1, D)
8: list = [D, D]
liftable def set[T](list: strict List[T], index: strict Int, value: strict T): List[T] = extern("List_set")


liftable size[T](list: strict List[T]): Int

Returns the number of elements in the given list

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def size = List.size(list)
out size

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream size: signal
0: size = 0
0: list = []
2: size = 1
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: size = 2
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: size = 3
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def size[T](list: strict List[T]): Int = extern("List_size")


liftable tail[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T]

Selects all elements except the first

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def list: Events[List[Int]] = fold(x, List.empty[Int], List.append)
def tail = filter(List.tail(list), !(List.isEmpty(list)))
out tail

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-1,8]
stream x: bubbles
stream list: signal
stream tail: signal
0: list = []
2: tail = []
2: list = [1]
2: x = 1
4: tail = [2]
4: list = [1, 2]
4: x = 2
6: tail = [2, 3]
6: list = [1, 2, 3]
6: x = 3
liftable def tail[T](list: strict List[T]): List[T] = extern("List_tail")