TeSSLa Standard Library for TeSSLa 1.0.7



A Boolean can be either true or false



Integer. The maximal and minimal values depend on the TeSSLa engine. The TeSSLa software backend uses BigInt, i.e. every integer can be represented

ANCHORType Float


Float. The data range depends on the TeSSLa engine. The TeSSLa software backend uses a 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number

ANCHORType String


String can store arbitrary long character sequences



() is the only value of type Unit, i.e. this type can be used to represent events without values.

ANCHORType Events


Basic type for streams

ANCHORAnnotation @liftable


Functions annotated with this annotation can be used on streams which will be equivalent to wrapping their call with slift.


true: Bool

A Boolean value representing that a given proposition is true


false: Bool

A Boolean value representing that a given proposition is false


__not__(arg: Bool): Bool

Operator usage: !x

Boolean complement


__ite__[T](cond: Bool, thenCase: T, elseCase: T): T

Operator usage: if c then a else b



__and__(lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool): Bool

Operator usage: a && b

Boolean conjunction


__or__(lhs: Bool, rhs: Bool): Bool

Operator usage: a || b

Boolean disjunction


__eq__[T](lhs: T, rhs: T): Bool

Operator usage: a == b

Equivalence on arbitrary data types. On complex data structures this operator checks the object's identity. Note, that this operator is defined as @liftable, so it does neither check the equivalence nor the identity of streams, but applies the operator on two streams using the signal semantics.


__neq__[T](lhs: T, rhs: T): Bool

Operator usage: a != b

Non-Equivalence on arbitrary data types. On complex data structures this operator checks the object's identity. Note, that this operator is defined as @liftable, so it does neither check the equivalence nor the identity of streams, but applies the operator on two streams using the signal semantics.


__gt__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Bool

Operator usage: a > b

Returns true if a is strictly greater than b


__lt__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Bool

Operator usage: a < b

Returns true if a is strictly lower than b


__geq__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Bool

Operator usage: a >= b

Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b


__leq__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Bool

Operator usage: a <= b

Returns true if a is lower than or equal to b


__fgt__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Bool

Operator usage: a >. b

Returns true if a is strictly greater than b


__flt__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Bool

Operator usage: a <. b

Returns true if a is strictly lower than b


__fgeq__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Bool

Operator usage: a >=. b

Returns true if a is greater than or equal to b


__fleq__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Bool

Operator usage: a <=. b

Returns true if a is lower than or equal to b


__add__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a + b

Returns the sum of two integers


__sub__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a - b

Returns the difference of two integers


__mul__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a * b

Returns the multiplication of two integers


__div__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a / b

Returns the division of two integers


__mod__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a % b

Returns the remainder of two integers


__negate__(arg: Int): Int

Operator usage: -a

Unary minus on integers


max(a: Int, b: Int): Int

Compute the maximum of two integer values.


min(a: Int, b: Int): Int

Compute the minimum of two integer values.


__bitand__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a & b

Bitwise AND on integers


__bitor__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a | b

Bitwise OR on integers


__bitxor__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a ^ b

Bitwise XOR on integers


__bitflip__(arg: Int): Int

Operator usage: ~a

Bitflip on integers


__leftshift__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a << b

Arithmetic left shift on integers


__rightshift__(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Int

Operator usage: a >> b

Arithmetic right shift on integers


__fadd__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Float

Operator usage: a +. b

Returns the sum of two floats


__fsub__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Float

Operator usage: a -. b

Returns the difference of two floats


__fmul__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Float

Operator usage: a *. b

Returns the multiplication of two floats


__fdiv__(lhs: Float, rhs: Float): Float

Operator usage: a /. b

Returns the division of two floats


__fnegate__(arg: Float): Float

Operator usage: -.a

Unary minus on floats


toString[T](arg: T): String

Converts any type into its typical string representation


pow(base: Float, exponent: Float): Float

Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument.


log(x: Float, base: Float): Float

Returns the logarithm to base base of x


sin(x: Float): Float

Returns the trigonometric sine of an angle x in radians. Special cases:


cos(x: Float): Float

Returns the trigonometric cosine of an angle in radians. Special cases:


tan(x: Float): Float

Returns the trigonometric tangent of an angle in radians. Special cases:


atan(x: Float): Float

Returns the arc tangent of a value; the returned angle is in the range -π/2 through π/2. Special cases:


intToFloat(x: Int): Float

Converts the given integer to a float.


floatToInt(x: Float): Int

Converts the given float to an integer without

ANCHORType Option


Represents optional values. Instances of Option are either an instance of Some or None


None[T]: Option[T]

Represents non-existent values of type T


Some[T](value: T): Option[T]

Represents existing values of type T


isNone[T](opt: Option[T]): Bool

Returns true if the given option is a None or false if it is a Some


isSome[T](opt: Option[T]): Bool

Returns true if the given option is a Some or false if it is a None


getSome[T](opt: Option[T]): T

Get the value contained in a Some. If the given option is a None, a run-time error will occur


getSomeOrElse[T](opt: Option[T], value: T): T

Get the value contained in a Some. If the given option is a None, the default value value will be returned


nil[T]: Events[T]

Returns an empty stream without any event of type T


default[T](stream: Events[T], value: T): Events[T]

Returns a stream which contains all the events of the given stream. If stream has no event at timestamp 0, then an additional event with value value is added at timestamp 0.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
def d = default(a, 42)
out d

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [-0.1,6]
stream a: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
0: d = 42
2: a = 17
2: d = 17
5: a = 23
5: d = 23

Alternative trace example:

option timeDomain: [-0.1,6]
stream a: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
0: a = 12
0: d = 12
2: a = 17
2: d = 17
5: a = 23
5: d = 23


defaultFrom[T](valueStream: Events[T], defaultStream: Events[T]): Events[T]

Similar to default, this operation returns a stream which contains all the events of the given valueStream. If the first event on defaultStream happens strictly before the first event on valueStream then this event is added. No events other than the first event on defaultStream are considered.

Usage example:

in v: Events[Int]
in x: Events[Int]
def d = defaultFrom(v, x)
out d

Trace example:

stream v: bubbles
stream x: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
2: x = 5
2: d = 5
3: x = 3
3: d = 2
3: v = 2
5: x = 7
6: d = 4
6: v = 4

Alternative trace example:

stream v: bubbles
stream x: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
1: d = 6
1: v = 6
2: x = 5
3: x = 3
3: d = 2
3: v = 2
5: x = 7
6: d = 4
6: v = 4


lift[T, U, V](stream1: Events[T], stream2: Events[U], f: ((Option[T], Option[U]) => Option[V]): Events[V]

Lifts a function f which is defined on values to a function on streams and applies it to the given streams. The function f is called for every event on any of the streams. If there is a simultaneous event on the other stream, then the values of both events are passed to f. Otherwise the other argument is None if there is no simultaneous event on the other stream. f is never called with all arguments being None.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
def f(a: Option[Int], b: Option[Int]) =
  if isSome(a) && getSome(a) > 5 then a else b
def c = lift(a,b,f)
out c

Trace example:

stream a: bubbles
stream b: bubbles
stream c: bubbles
1: c = 7
1: a = 7
2: a = 5
3: b = 6
3: c = 6
4: b = 2
4: c = 2
4: a = 3
5: b = 4
5: c = 9
5: a = 9


lift1[T, U](stream: Events[T], f: ((Option[T]) => Option[U]): Events[U]

Lifts a unary function f which is defined on values to a function on a stream and applies it to the given stream. The function f is called for every event on the streams. Because there is no other stream, the argument of f will never be None. (f is never called with all arguments being None.)

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
def f(a: Option[Int]) =
  if getSome(a) > 5 then a else None[Int]
def b = lift1(a,f)
out b

Trace example:

stream a: bubbles
stream b: bubbles
1: b = 7
1: a = 7
2: a = 5
4: a = 3
5: b = 9
5: a = 9


lift3[T1, T2, T3, T4](stream1: Events[T1], stream2: Events[T2], stream3: Events[T3], f: ((Option[T1], Option[T2], Option[T3]) => Option[T4]): Events[T4]

Lifts a function f which is defined on values to a function on streams and applies it to the given streams. The function f is called for every event on any of the streams. If there is a simultaneous event on the other stream, then the values of both events are passed to f. Otherwise the other argument is None if there is no simultaneous event on the other stream. f is never called with all arguments being None.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
in c: Events[Int]
def f(a: Option[Int], b: Option[Int], c: Option[Int]) =
  if isSome(a) && getSome(a) > 5 then a
  else if isSome(b) then b else c
def d = lift3(a,b,c,f)
out d

Trace example:

stream a: bubbles
stream b: bubbles
stream c: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
1: d = 7
1: a = 7
2: a = 5
3: b = 6
3: d = 6
4: b = 2
4: d = 2
4: a = 3
5: c = 1
5: d = 1
6: b = 4
6: c = 3
6: d = 9
6: a = 9


lift4[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](stream1: Events[T1], stream2: Events[T2], stream3: Events[T3], stream4: Events[T4], f: ((Option[T1], Option[T2], Option[T3], Option[T4]) => Option[T5]): Events[T5]

Lifts a function f which is defined on values to a function on streams and applies it to the given streams. The function f is called for every event on any of the streams. If there is a simultaneous event on the other stream, then the values of both events are passed to f. Otherwise the other argument is None if there is no simultaneous event on the other stream. f is never called with all arguments being None.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
in c: Events[Int]
in d: Events[Int]
def f(a: Option[Int], b: Option[Int], c: Option[Int], d: Option[Int]) =
  if isSome(a) && getSome(a) > 5 then a
  else if isSome(b) then b
  else if isSome(c) then c
  else d
def e = lift4(a,b,c,d,f)
out e

Trace example:

stream a: bubbles
stream b: bubbles
stream c: bubbles
stream d: bubbles
stream e: bubbles
1: a = 7
1: e = 7
2: a = 5
3: b = 6
3: e = 6
4: b = 2
4: a = 3
4: e = 2
5: e = 1
5: c = 1
6: d = 2
6: e = 2
7: b = 4
7: a = 9
7: d = 2
7: e = 9
7: c = 3


last[T, U](stream: Events[T], trigger: Events[U]): Events[T]

The last operator takes two streams and returns the previous value of the first stream at the timestamps of the second. Note that while TeSSLa is defined on event streams, last realizes some essential aspects of the signal semantics: With this operator one can query the last known value of an event stream at a specific time and hence interpret the events on this stream as points where a piece-wise constant signal changes its value.

Usage example:

in values: Events[Int]
in trigger: Events[Unit]
def result = last(x,y)
out result

Trace example:

stream values: bubbles
stream trigger: unit events
stream result: bubbles
1: trigger = ()
2: values = 5
3: result = 5
3: trigger = ()
4: result = 5
4: trigger = ()
4: values = 3
5: result = 3
5: trigger = ()


prev[A](a: Events[A]): Events[A]

Return the previous event of a. Does not work in recursive equations. Use last with an explicit external trigger in recursive equations instead.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = prev(x)
out y

Trace example:

option axis: true
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
1: x = 3
3: y = 3
3: x = 2
7: y = 2
7: x = 1
8: y = 1
8: x = 5


time[T](stream: Events[T]): Events[Int]

The time operator returns the stream of the timestamps of another stream

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = time(x)
out result

Trace example:

option axis: true
option timeDomain: [0,14]
stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
2: x = 5
2: y = 2
4: x = 3
4: y = 4
10: x = 42
10: y = 10


delay[T](delays: Events[Int], resets: Events[T]): Events[Unit]

The delay operator takes delays as its first argument. After a delay has passed, a unit event is emitted. A delay can only be set if a reset event is received via the second argument, or if an event is emitted on the output.

Usage example:

in values: Events[Int]
in resets: Events[Int]
def result = delay(values, resets)
out result

Trace example:

option axis: true
stream values: bubbles
stream resets: unit events
stream result: unit events
1: resets = ()
1: values = 2
3: result = ()
4: resets = ()
4: values = 3
7: result = ()
7: values = 2
9: result = ()
9: resets = ()
9: values = 2
11: result = ()
11: values = 4
13: resets = ()


const[T, U](value: T, stream: Events[U]): Events[T]

Maps the event's values of a stream to given constant value.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = const(42, x)
out y

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
1: y = 42
1: x = 17
6: y = 42
6: x = 1
8: y = 42
8: x = 42
12: y = 42
12: x = 23


first[T, U](stream1: Events[T], stream2: Events[U]): Events[T]

Returns a variant of stream1 which has every original events of stream1 and additional events with the last value of stream1 for every event of stream2. first is defined as the signal lift of the function f(a,b) = a.

Note, the difference between first(stream1, stream2) and merge(stream1, last(stream1, stream2)). Since first is defined via signal lift, it does not produce events before both input streams have been defined.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
in y: Events[Int]
def z = first(x, y)
out z

Trace example:

stream x: signal
stream y: signal
stream z: signal
1: x = 17
2: y = 23
2: z = 17
3: z = 1
3: x = 1
4: y = 3
4: z = 1
6: y = 34
6: z = 42
6: x = 42
8: y = 12
8: z = 42


slift1[T, U](stream: Events[T], f: ((T) => U): Events[U]

The unary signal lift is very similar to lift1. Since the lifted function is unary, there is no other stream with which events are being synchronized. The only difference is that slift1 takes a total function which cannot remove events.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
def b = slift1(a, (x: Int) => x + 1)
out b

Trace example:

stream a: signal
stream b: signal
1: b = 3
1: a = 2
3: b = 6
3: a = 5
7: b = 4
7: a = 3


slift[T, U, V](a: Events[T], b: Events[U], f: ((T, U) => V): Events[V]

Takes a function f on values and lifts it to a function on streams using signal semantics. The function is then applied to the given streams. f is evaluated for every event on any of the given streams. If a stream contains no simultaneous event with the same timestamp then f is called with the last known value of that stream. f is not called before every stream had at least one event.

Note, that in comparison to lift f takes no Option type. slift cannot filter events. The generated event pattern is independent of the lifted function f.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
def z = slift(a, b, (v1: Int, v2: Int) => (v1 + v2) / 2)
out z

Trace example:

stream a: signal
stream b: signal
stream z: signal
2: a = 2
3: a = 3
5: b = 1
5: z = 2
7: b = 4
7: a = 5
7: z = 4
10: b = 7
10: z = 6
12: a = 6
12: z = 6


slift3[T1, T2, T3, T4](a: Events[T1], b: Events[T2], c: Events[T3], f: ((T1, T2, T3) => T4): Events[T4]

Takes a function f on values and lifts it to a function on streams using signal semantics. The function is then applied to the given streams. f is evaluated for every event on any of the given streams. If a stream contains no simultaneous event with the same timestamp then f is called with the last known value of that stream. f is not called before every stream had at least one event.

Note, that in comparison to lift3 f takes no Option type. slift3 cannot filter events. The generated event pattern is independent of the lifted function f.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
in c: Events[Int]
def z = slift3(a, b, c, (v1: Int, v2: Int, v3: Int) => (v1 + v2 + v3) / 3)
out z

Trace example:

stream a: signal
stream b: signal
stream c: signal
stream z: signal
2: a = 2
3: a = 3
5: b = 1
6: c = 8
6: z = 4
7: b = 4
7: a = 5
7: z = 5
10: b = 7
10: z = 6
12: b = 9
12: c = 10
12: a = 6
12: z = 8


slift4[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](s1: Events[T1], s2: Events[T2], s3: Events[T3], s4: Events[T4], f: ((T1, T2, T3, T4) => T5): Events[T5]

Takes a function f on values and lifts it to a function on streams using signal semantics. The function is then applied to the given streams. f is evaluated for every event on any of the given streams. If a stream contains no simultaneous event with the same timestamp then f is called with the last known value of that stream. f is not called before every stream had at least one event.

Note, that in comparison to lift4 f takes no Option type. slift4 cannot filter events. The generated event pattern is independent of the lifted function f.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
in c: Events[Int]
in d: Events[Int]
def z = slift4(a, b, c, d,
  (v1: Int, v2: Int, v3: Int, v4: Int) => (v1 + v2 + v3 + v4) / 4)
out z

Trace example:

stream a: signal
stream b: signal
stream c: signal
stream d: signal
stream z: signal
1: d = 12
2: a = 2
3: a = 3
5: b = 1
6: z = 6
6: c = 8
7: a = 5
7: b = 4
7: z = 7
10: b = 7
10: z = 8
12: a = 6
12: d = 11
12: b = 9
12: z = 9
12: c = 10


merge[T](stream1: Events[T], stream2: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

Usage example:

in a: Events[Int]
in b: Events[Int]
def z = merge(a,b)
out z

Trace example:

stream a: bubbles
stream b: bubbles
stream z: bubbles
1: a = 3
1: z = 3
2: b = 4
2: z = 4
3: a = 2
3: z = 2
7: b = 6
7: a = 1
7: z = 1
8: a = 5
8: z = 5


merge3[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


merge4[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T], d: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


merge5[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T], d: Events[T], e: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


merge6[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T], d: Events[T], e: Events[T], f: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


merge7[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T], d: Events[T], e: Events[T], f: Events[T], g: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


merge8[T](a: Events[T], b: Events[T], c: Events[T], d: Events[T], e: Events[T], f: Events[T], g: Events[T], h: Events[T]): Events[T]

Merges the given event streams. Prioritizing the event streams from the left to the right in case of simultaneous events.

See merge for a usage example.


mergeUnit[T, U](a: Events[T], b: Events[U]): Events[Unit]

Merges streams of different types, resulting in a stream that contains a unit event whenever any of the input streams produces an event.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
in y: Events[Bool]
def z = mergeUnit(x, y)
out z

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
stream z: unit events
1: x = 3
1: z = ()
2: y = false
2: z = ()
3: x = 2
3: z = ()
7: y = true
7: x = 1
7: z = ()
8: x = 5
8: z = ()


mergeUnit3[T, U, V](a: Events[T], b: Events[U], c: Events[V]): Events[Unit]

Merges streams of different types, resulting in a stream that contains a unit event whenever any of the input streams produces an event.

See mergeUnit for a usage example.


filter[A](events: Events[A], condition: Events[Bool]): Events[A]

Filter the event stream events based on the last known value of the boolean signal condition.

Usage example:

in x: Events[String]
in c: Events[Bool]
def y = filter(x, c)
out y
stream x: events
stream c: signal
stream y: events
1: x = "Hello"
2: c = true
3: x = "World"
3: y = "World"
7: c = false
7: x = "Hey"
8: x = "You"


pure[T](x: Events[T]): Events[T]

Removes subsequent events with the same value

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = pure(x)
out y

Trace example:

stream x: signal
stream y: signal
2: y = 3
2: x = 3
4: x = 3
5: x = 3
6: y = 1
6: x = 1
8: y = 2
8: x = 2
10: x = 2
12: y = 4
12: x = 4


isFirst[A](x: Events[A]): Events[Bool]

Signal which is only true with first event on x

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def f = isFirst(x)
out f

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream f: signal
0: f = false
2: f = true
2: x = 3
6: f = false
6: x = 1
8: f = false
8: x = 2
12: f = false
12: x = 4


firstEvent[A](x: Events[A]): Events[A]

Filters x such that only the first event on x remains

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = firstEvent(x)
out y

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream y: bubbles
2: y = 3
2: x = 3
6: x = 1
8: x = 2
12: x = 4


defined[T](x: Events[T]): Events[Bool]

Signal, which becomes true with the first event on x

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def f = defined(x)
out f

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream f: signal
0: f = false
2: f = true
2: x = 3
6: f = true
6: x = 1
8: f = true
8: x = 2
12: f = true
12: x = 4


runtime[A, B](call: Events[A], ret: Events[B]): Events[Int]

Compute the runtime of a function on every ret event. The runtime is the time passed between the last call event and the ret event. The values of the events are ignored.

Usage example:

in call: Events[Unit]
in ret: Events[Unit]
def rt = runtime(call, ret)
out rt

Trace example:

option axis: true
option timeDomain: [5,75]
stream call: unit events
stream ret: unit events
stream rt: events
10: call = ()
17: ret = ()
17: rt = 7
25: call = ()
35: ret = ()
35: rt = 10
57: call = ()
69: ret = ()
69: rt = 12


maximum(x: Events[Int]): Events[Int]

Compute the maximum value of all events on x. Provides for every input event and output event whose value is the maximum up to this point.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def m = maximum(x)
out m

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream m: signal
2: m = 4
2: x = 4
6: m = 4
6: x = 2
8: m = 5
8: x = 5
12: m = 5
12: x = 3


minimum(x: Events[Int]): Events[Int]

Compute the minimum value of all events on x. Provides for every input event and output event whose value is the minimum up to this point.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def m = minimum(x)
out m

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream m: signal
2: m = 4
2: x = 4
6: m = 2
6: x = 2
8: m = 2
8: x = 5
12: m = 2
12: x = 3


count[T](x: Events[T]): Events[Int]

Count the number of events on x. Provides for every input event an output event whose value is the number of events seen so far. See resetCount for a counting macro with an external reset.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Unit]
def y = count(x)
out y

Trace example:

stream x: unit events
stream y: signal
0: y = 0
2: y = 1
2: x = ()
6: y = 2
6: x = ()
7: y = 3
7: x = ()
9: y = 4
9: x = ()


sum(x: Events[Int]): Events[Int]

Sum up the values of all events on x. Provides for every input event an output event whose value is the sum of the values of all events seen so far.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = sum(x)
out y

Trace example:

stream x: bubbles
stream y: signal
0: y = 0
2: y = 2
2: x = 2
6: y = 10
6: x = 8
7: y = 13
7: x = 3
9: y = 14
9: x = 1


fold[T, R](stream: Events[T], init: R, f: ((R, T) => R): Events[R]

Fold a function on values over all events on stream. Starting with the initial value init the function f is called for every event on stream with the last result and the current event’s value as arguments. So for the input stream x

2: x = 2
4: x = 6
5: x = 1

the call def y = fold(f, x, 0) produces the following stream y:

0: y = 0
2: y = f(0,2)
4: y = f(f(0,2),6)
5: y = f(f(f(0,2),6),1)

See count for an example of fold in action. count is defined as fold(x, 0, inc).


reduce[T](stream: Events[T], f: ((Events[T], Events[T]) => Events[T]): Events[T]

Fold a function on values over all events on stream. Starting with the first event on stream as initial value, the function f is called for every later event on stream with the last result and the current event’s value as arguments. So for the input stream x

2: x = 2
4: x = 6
5: x = 1

the call def y = reduce(f, x) produces the following stream y:

2: y = 2
4: y = f(2,6)
5: y = f(f(2,6),1)

See minimum for an example of reduce in action. minimum is defined as reduce(x, min).


resetCount[A, B](events: Events[A], reset: Events[B]): Events[Int]

Count the number of events on events. Reset the output to 0 on every event on reset.

Usage example:

in events: Events[Unit]
in resets: Events[Unit]
def result = resetCount(events, resets)
out result

Trace example:

stream events: unit events
stream resets: unit events
stream result: signal
0: result = 0
2: events = ()
2: result = 1
3: events = ()
3: result = 2
5: events = ()
5: result = 3
7: resets = ()
7: events = ()
7: result = 1
9: events = ()
9: result = 2
10: events = ()
10: result = 3
12: resets = ()
12: result = 0
14: events = ()
14: result = 1
15: events = ()
15: result = 2


bursts[A](e: Events[A], burstLength: Int, waitingPeriod: Int, burstAmount: Int): Events[Bool]

Check if events on e follow the burst pattern: After first event on e only burstAmount many events allowed during burstLength time. After burstLength during waitingPeriod time no event allowed. After waitingPeriod we wait for the next event on e.

in send: Events[Unit]
def property :=
  bursts(send, burstLength = 3s,
    waitingPeriod = 2s, burstAmount = 4)
out property
option axis: true
option timeDomain: [0, 9000000000]
stream send: unit events
stream property: signal
0: property = true
500191958: property = true
500191958: send = ()
1000275162: property = true
1000275162: send = ()
1500422455: property = true
1500422455: send = ()
2000525066: property = true
2000525066: send = ()
4500724637: property = false
4500724637: send = ()
5000822890: property = false
5000822890: send = ()
7501025420: property = true
7501025420: send = ()
8001141937: property = true
8001141937: send = ()
8501245567: property = true
8501245567: send = ()


burstsSince[A, B](e: Events[A], burstLength: Int, waitingPeriod: Int, burstAmount: Int, since: Events[B]): Events[Bool]

Check if events on e follow the burst pattern since the last event on since: After first event on e only burstAmount many events allowed during burstLength time. After burstLength during waitingPeriod time no event allowed. After waitingPeriod we wait for the next event on e.

Usage example:

in reset: Events[Unit]
in e: Events[Unit]
def p := burstsSince(e, burstLength = 2s,
                        waitingPeriod = 1s,
                        burstAmount = 3,
                        since = reset)
out p
option axis: true
option timeDomain: [0, 17000]
stream e: unit events
stream reset: unit events
stream p: signal
0: p = true
3000: e = ()
3000: p = true
3500: e = ()
3500: p = true
4000: e = ()
4000: p = true
4500: e = ()
4500: p = false
6000: reset = ()
7000: e = ()
7000: p = true
8000: e = ()
8000: p = true
12000: e = ()
12000: p = true
14500: e = ()
14500: p = false
16000: e = ()
16000: p = true


noEvent[A, B](on: Events[A], since: Events[B]): Events[Bool]

Check if no event happened on on after last event on since.

Usage example:

in reset: Events[Unit]
in e: Events[Unit]
def p := noEvent(e, since = reset)
out p

Trace example:

option timeDomain: [0,16]
stream e: unit events
stream reset: unit events
stream p: signal
0: p = true
2: e = ()
2: p = false
4: e = ()
4: p = false
6: reset = ()
6: p = true
12: e = ()
12: p = false


constIf[T](value: T, condition: Events[Bool]): Events[T]

Produce an event with the given value every time that the condition is met

Usage example:

in condition: Events[Bool]
def result = constIf(42, condition)
out result

Trace example:

2: condition = false
4: result = 42
4: condition = true
5: result = 42
5: condition = true
8: condition = false
9: condition = false
10: condition = false
12: result = 42
12: condition = true


unitIf(cond: Events[Bool]): Events[Unit]

Produces a unit event every time the condition is fulfilled

Usage example:

in condition: Events[Bool]
def result = unitIf(condition)
out result

Trace example:

2: condition = false
4: result = ()
4: condition = true
5: result = ()
5: condition = true
8: condition = false
9: condition = false
10: condition = false
12: result = ()
12: condition = true


rising(condition: Events[Bool]): Events[Unit]

Detect rising edge on condition

Usage example:

in condition: Events[Bool]
def result = rising(condition)
out result

Trace example:

stream condition: plot
stream result: unit events
2: condition = false
4: result = ()
4: condition = true
5: condition = true
8: condition = false
9: condition = false
10: condition = false
12: result = ()
12: condition = true


falling(condition: Events[Bool]): Events[Unit]

Detect falling edge on condition

Usage example:

in condition: Events[Bool]
def result = falling(condition)
out result

Trace example:

stream condition: plot
stream result: unit events
2: condition = false
4: condition = true
5: condition = true
8: result = ()
8: condition = false
9: condition = false
10: condition = false
12: condition = true


on[A, B](trigger: Events[A], stream: Events[B]): Events[B]

Produce the current or last value on stream for every trigger

Usage example:

in trigger: Events[Unit]
in stream: Events[Int]
def result = on(trigger, stream)
out result

Trace example:

stream stream: signal
stream trigger: unit events
stream result: signal
2: trigger = ()
3: stream = 3
5: trigger = ()
5: result = 3
7: stream = 2
8: stream = 1
10: trigger = ()
10: result = 1
12: stream = 4
12: trigger = ()
12: result = 4
14: trigger = ()
14: result = 4


average(x: Events[Int]): Events[Int]

Compute the average value of all events on x. For every input event on x an output event is produced whose value is the average of all values seen so far.

Usage example:

in stream: Events[Int]
def result = average(stream)
out result

Trace example:

stream stream: bubbles
stream result: bubbles
3: result = 3
3: stream = 3
7: result = 2
7: stream = 2
8: result = 2
8: stream = 1
12: result = 2
12: stream = 4


period(freq: Int): Events[Unit]

Produce an event stream with a unit event every delay time units. Starting with an event at timestamp 0.

Usage example:

in progress: Events[Unit]
def output = period(3)
out output
option axis: true
stream progress: unit events
stream output: unit events
0: output = ()
3: output = ()
6: output = ()
9: output = ()
12: output = ()
15: output = ()
18: output = ()
20: progress = ()


sample[A](e: Events[A], rate: Int): Events[A]

Filter out events to ensure a maximal event rate. Forwards the first event on e and afterwards every event which is at least rate time units later then the last forwarded event.

Usage example:

in x: Events[Int]
def y = sample(x, 5)
out y

Trace example:

option axis: true
stream x: events
stream y: events
2: y = 5
2: x = 5
4: x = 3
5: x = 4
7: y = 2
7: x = 2
9: x = 1
10: x = 8
13: y = 3
13: x = 3
15: x = 9
16: x = 7
18: y = 6
18: x = 6
20: x = 2
23: y = 4
23: x = 4
25: x = 9






Map[K, V]


Option_map[T, U](opt: Option[T], f: ((T) => U): Option[U]


Option_flatMap[T, U](opt: Option[T], f: ((T) => Option[U]): Option[U]


Option_map2[T, U, V](opt1: Option[T], opt2: Option[U], f: ((T, U) => V)


Option_toSet[T](option: Option[T]): Set[T]


List_empty[T]: List[T]


List_size[T](list: List[T]): Int


List_append[T](list: List[T], element: T): List[T]


List_prepend[T](element: T, list: List[T]): List[T]


List_tail[T](list: List[T]): List[T]


List_init[T](list: List[T]): List[T]


List_get[T](list: List[T], index: Int): T


List_head[T](list: List[T]): T


List_last[T](list: List[T]): T


List_fold[T, U](list: List[T], start: U, f: ((U, T) => U): U


Set_empty[T]: Set[T]


Set_init[T](value: T): Set[T]


Set_add[T](set: Set[T], item: T): Set[T]


Set_contains[T](set: Set[T], item: T): Bool


Set_remove[T](set: Set[T], item: T): Set[T]


Set_size[T](set: Set[T]): Int


Set_union[T](set1: Set[T], set2: Set[T]): Set[T]


Set_intersection[T](set1: Set[T], set2: Set[T]): Set[T]


Set_minus[T](set1: Set[T], set2: Set[T]): Set[T]


Set_fold[T, U](list: Set[T], start: U, f: ((U, T) => U): U


Set_collect[T](value: Events[T])


Set_collectWithRemove[T](value: Events[T], removeValue: Events[T])


Map_empty[K, V]: Map[K, V]


Map_add[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K, value: V): Map[K, V]


Map_contains[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K): Bool


Map_get[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K): V


Map_remove[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K): Map[K, V]


Map_size[K, V](map: Map[K, V]): Int


Map_keys[K, V](map: Map[K, V]): List[K]


Map_fold[K, V, R](map: Map[K, V], start: R, f: ((R, K, V) => R): R


Map_getOrElse[K, V](map: Map[K, V], key: K, default: V): V


Map_inc[K](counts: Map[K, Int], key: K): Map[K, Int]


Map_collectCount[T](events: Events[T]): Events[Map[T, Int]]


Map_collectMax[K](key: Events[K], value: Events[Int]): Events[Map[K, Int]]


Map_collectMin[A](key: Events[A], value: Events[Int])


Map_counting[A](x: Events[A])

Map every new key to a unique integer ID


String_concat(str1: String, str2: String): String


String_format[T](formatString: String, value: T): String


String_formatInt(formatString: String, value: Int): String


String_formatFloat(formatString: String, value: Float): String




CTF_getInt(ctfObject: CTF_Object, member: String): Int


CTF_getString(ctfObject: CTF_Object, member: String): Int

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionCall

@InstFunctionCall(name: String)

Add event generation to every call of the function before the actual function call

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionCallArg

@InstFunctionCallArg(name: String, index: Int)

Add event generation to every call of the function before the actual function call

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionCalled

@InstFunctionCalled(name: String)

Add event generation to the first line of the function

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionCalledArg

@InstFunctionCalledArg(name: String, index: Int)

Add event generation to the first line of the function

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionReturn

@InstFunctionReturn(name: String)

Add event generation to every return inside of the function. Generates unit events.

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionReturnValue

@InstFunctionReturnValue(name: String)

Add event generation to every return inside of the function. Generates events carrying the returned value as data.

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionReturned

@InstFunctionReturned(name: String)

Add event generation to every call of the function after the function returned. Generates unit events.

ANCHORAnnotation @InstFunctionReturnedValue

@InstFunctionReturnedValue(name: String)

Add event generation to every call of the function after the function returned. Generates events carrying the returned value as data.

ANCHORAnnotation @GlobalRead

@GlobalRead(lvalue: String)

Instrument every reading access of a global variable with the given name. Can handle more complex patterns, e.g. *&bar[][].foo

ANCHORAnnotation @LocalRead

@LocalRead(lvalue: String, function: String)

Instrument every reading access of a local variable with the given name inside the given function. Can handle more complex patterns, e.g. *&bar[][].foo

ANCHORAnnotation @GlobalWrite

@GlobalWrite(lvalue: String)

Instrument every writing access of a global variable with the given name. Can handle more complex patterns, e.g. *&bar[][].foo

ANCHORAnnotation @LocalWrite

@LocalWrite(lvalue: String, function: String)

Instrument every writing access of a local variable with the given name inside the given function. Can handle more complex patterns, e.g. *&bar[][].foo

ANCHORAnnotation @ThreadId


Writes the current thread ID to the annotated stream every time any other instrumentation produces any event